Sprout Community Arts gallery in south London invites applications for an Artist in Residence between 22nd July and 30th August 2025.
This opportunity is for individuals or groups of artists/makers (including 3D) to use the gallery as an open workshop/studio, making their practice visible to the local community as well as providing workshops, talks and/or demonstrations.
Residencies can be between three and six weeks in duration and, depending on the length of residency, the artist/maker is also asked to provide between 3 and 6 workshops, talks and/or demonstrations where visitors can learn about, or, preferably, take an active part in a range of creative activities.
Please note that, unfortunately, there is no payment to the artist for the residency although grants may be available through Wandsworth Council.
You can find more about the residency and information on how to apply here or email sproutcommunityarts@gmail.com. Applications must be received by email by midnight 7th March 2025 with interviews for shortlisted artists during March 2025. A final decision will be made by Monday 31st March 2025.

Sprout Community Arts offers:
Free use of the Sprout Arts gallery for three to six weeks for an individual or group of artists or makers. Please note that, unfortunately, there is no payment for the residency (see end of document for possible grants)
Our Gallery enjoys:
Good natural light - Large wall and window display areas
Good floor space with large melamine top table (if required)
A wall hanging system for displaying works
WIFI connection
A digital screen
Kettle, fridge
Radio: Please note, we have a music licence permitting the use of a radio only, so no streaming of any kind is permitted (i.e. Spotify, BBC player, Netflix etc)
one toilet and one small wash-hand basin
one large table, with chairs and folding tables available
electric points
First Aid kit & Fire extinguisher
Lighting and infrared ceiling heaters,
Payment card reader
Free on street parking
Publicity and marketing through Sprout’s promotional channels
A nominated person to act as a link person during the Residency. Support from the Sprout Arts committee and/or volunteers may be available also if requested in advance
Access to Sprout Arts membership of the ‘Work and Play’ Scrap Store where the artist may obtain an interesting assortment of materials
What Sprout Art asks for in support of the application:
The artist/maker must have either a theme for the residency or a focus on a particular medium or creative practice. This will be used in publicity and is an important aspect of engagement (examples from previous residencies can be seen HERE )
A short written or video proposal to explain the theme/focus and how the public might be engaged, including proposed workshops, talks or demonstrations. Please include the dates you would like to undertake the residency
Examples of previous work
A commitment to make best use of the space and to public engagement throughout the residency
Shortlisted artists will be invited to present their ideas to Sprout Arts for discussion before a final decision is made.
What the Artist(s) In Residence (AIR) can do during the residency:
Continue to explore and develop their working practice within the Sprout Arts space
Invite fellow artists/makers to join in with the AIR project
Invite their own mailing list and friends to view the process of their work
Give talks about the work, Q&A sessions, slide shows etc
Provide teaching workshops (Sprout Arts receive 20% commission). Further guidance on running workshops is available as needed
Sell work. Sprout Arts will expect a commission of 20-30% (depending on sale price) on all sales
The expectation is that there will be a minimum of three to six workshops/talks etc depending on the length of the residency
What the AIR must not do:
Close the shop at short notice, or fail to open without warning
Leave Sprout Arts unlocked and unattended at any time
Use the premises after 9pm - Sprout Arts must be closed and locked up by 9pm every evening
Fix anything directly onto the display walls. The AIR must use the hanging system, shelves and/or plinths provided
Remove cards, browsers and merchandise from the gallery as these are an important revenue stream for Sprout
Other information and requirements for AIR applicants:
The AIR must be a member of Sprout Arts, annual artist's membership is £20
The AIR will be asked for a deposit of £100 before starting the residency in case of any damage or mess. This may be waived on discussion if necessary and alternate arrangements made for covering the cost of any damage or mess.
The AIR must meet with a Sprout committee member before the residency and complete a formal agreement
The AIR must be adequately insured e.g. via A-N, and provide evidence of insurance
Sprout Arts is normally open 11am to 5pm from Tuesday to Saturday (30 hours per week). Ideally, the AIR will be present during these times but, at a minimum, must commit to being present in Sprout Arts for 20 hours per week. Sprout may be able to find volunteers to cover the additional hours with enough notice.
The AIR must state the times they will be present in advance and keep to these hours. Hours will be agreed beforehand and form part of our agreement with you. In unforeseen circumstances, volunteer help may be available at short notice if needed but is not guaranteed
The AIR must engage with the public e.g. through providing workshops and talks and permitting public entry while working in the Sprout Arts space
Sprout Arts would require photographs of the residency to use for future reference, reporting and marketing purposes
Sprout Arts also sells Artists’ cards and small gifts. The AIR must record and process sales for other items in the gallery and ensure the security of the till (training will be given)
The AIR must ensure the security of Sprout Arts by locking up when leaving. Any evening work or events must finish by 9 pm
Any food and perishables must be removed at the end of the Residency
Recycling and waste must be bagged up for collection on a Tuesday evening at a designated place.
The AIR must leave the space as found and have the handover at the end of Residency signed off by a Sprout representative.
Deadline for applications
Applications must be received by email at sproutcommunityarts@gmail.com by midnight Friday 7th March 2025
Sprout AIR Committee will evaluate all applications and arrange to meet with the preferred shortlist of artists/makers between 10th to 28th March 2025 at a venue near the gallery or by Zoom
We aim to make the final decision by Monday 31st March 2025. This allows up to four calendar months for artists/makers to prepare before taking up the residency.
NB As no payment is provided for the Residency it is the artist/maker’s responsibility to ensure that they are free to attend for a minimum of 20 hours per week and/or that any paid work fits in around the Residency.
Grants may be available through Wandsworth.gov.uk - either through the Wandsworth Grant Fund or, for 2025, they are opening a Community Investment Fund as part of being the London Borough of Culture.