Our weaving workshops are led by Aruna Reddy who is an experienced tapestry weaver, exhibitor, and demonstrator of her craft. Her workshops have been popular and given everyone a great insight into weaving!
She has also got several pieces of work in our fascinating exhibition on recycling and the environment (with many unique pieces for sale). These colourful tapestries are woven from used plastic packaging - bags, wrappers, single-use nets etc.
The DNA design 'African Eve' is by Christine Eborall, in colours popular in Africa where Homo sapians originated. Her 'Pretty Toxic' artwork is a comment on the vast quantities of plastic we are still using and the problems it's creating.
Also check out David Holbourne’s rubbish tapestries - only they’re really made of rubbish and are in fact wonderful - and on show at Sprout until Saturday… His #zerocarbon art woven from waste materials beautifully illustrates the need for change!
Our weaving and spinning friends are part of The London Spinners, Weavers and Dyers, please visit their website HERE if you'd like to find out more.